Thursday, October 8, 2009

2 weeks old . . . having amnesia:)

Molly was 2 weeks old on Tuesday . . . I can't believe it! Here are a couple of updates:

1. I took her in for an optional weight check on Tuesday. Dr. had said since she wasn't jaundice and this wasn't my first, I only needed to come in at a month unless I had concerns. I wasn't really concerned, but more curious of her weight gain. She was born at 7 lbs 6 oz and lost only 2 oz in the first 3 days. When we weighed her on Tuesday, she was 8 lbs even. She gained 12 ounces in 11 days!

It probably wasn't a good idea to take her in period . . . when I got to the doctor's office, there were signs everywhere warning of the flu and several people in the waiting room had masks on. Scary! But, we were there less than 5 minutes and I didn't touch anything:)

2. I'm having quite a bit of amnesia about what things were like when Bailey was a newborn . . . . when she started sleeping longer, how much/often she ate, how long it took for my belly to go down. Probably a good thing since all I'll do is worry anyway. Molly's giving me 3, 3-hour stretches of sleep at night most nights. Last night wasn't so good, but I was having a hard time getting her to take a full feed - she was so sleepy, but woke up more often. I still think I managed 6-7 hours of sleep, though, and I can at least function on that.

Here's a more recent picture. Need to take more today. It's hard to remember with everything going on.

Bailey has had the hardest time adjusting of all of us. She's not "queen of the castle" anymore. I've felt quite a bit of guilt about this, but am working through those emotions. We try to do at least one thing each day that revolves around Bailey (the park, playing outside, etc) and that seems to help a lot. Here's a picture of daddy and Bailey making their first ever batch of monster cookies - she loved it!

Well, Molly is waking up and is hungry so I better go. Hope to write more soon.

If anyone is interested in getting together for a morning outing, I'm up for it. It gets a little lonely being in the house most of the day and the weather is going to stink this weekend!


1 comment:

  1. I'm always up for something! Kelsea mentioned that we should start a playgroup on Thursdays after story time.
